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Love Notes


Location, Location, Location


“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--- by grace you have been saved--- and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus”

Ephesians 2:4-6


One of my favorite shows on television is “House Hunters”. I just love having the opportunity of traveling around the world, vicariously looking at homes and locations that I may never have a chance to visit. One thing I’ve learned while watching this program is that location is everything! People often pay huge amounts of money to live in the location of their dreams, often sacrificing their budget in order to get that prime real estate!


Believers have a prime location, one that is enviable to the enemy. The Apostle Paul in his writings to the Church in Ephesus reminds them that it is because of God’s great love and mercy that He has seated us (you and me) in heavenly places in Christ Jesus!  Our location is a game changer once we recognize what we have at our disposal. We have been given authority through Christ to command the day, to cast out demons, to heal the sick and raise the dead, but so often we stand around as if we’re not sure what to do. I have heard well intended believers pray, often with a sense of uncertainty that God will answer their prayers.  We are commanded to pray by faith, unwavering, with all hope.


One day as I was having my quiet time, I heard the Spirit of God challenge me about how I was praying. He asked me why I was praying from the position of earth to heaven verses from heaven to earth. Well you can imagine my surprise! I asked him, “Lord what do you mean? I pray the word, often using the outline prayer you gave the disciples”. He said yes you do, but you pray as one who is underneath, and not from the right LOCATION!  What is in heaven has been made available to you; remember I seated you in HEAVENLY places in Christ Jesus! You don’t have to ‘pull’ down any of my blessings. The only thing you need to pull down is demonic strongholds! But my blessings are located all around you; just take what you need by faith.


Here’s a thought for you to consider: Where are you located in the Spirit? Where is the Spirit of God located in you? And are you located where God wants you to be?




Pastor Dorelle Arnwine

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